Monday, January 19, 2015

:) (Jan 19)

Buenas Tardes Familia!

Hermana Hiatt and I had another great week! We were able to teach J's daughters and had a really good lesson with them. They are all excited for baptism on the 14th! The ward is awesome here too and everyone is excited for them.

We are teaching a lot of people right now, like I mentioned last week. We are also teaching a lot of recent converts and less active members as well.

When Hermana Rawlins came to St. Peter she and her companion at the time met a man named Wade while tracting. Long story short, he felt the Spirit strongly and soon got baptized. He has been teaching with us a lot and is a huge example to me. He went from using/selling drugs, drinking etc to a man completely devoted to Jesus Christ and the gospel! On the weekend before I came he was able to baptized his 11 year old daughter and another man named Travis. He has been helping us a lot with teaching. He has such an amazing testimony. One of my favorite things as a missionary is getting to see such great changes in people.

This actually isn't the first time that I have been to St. Peter. About 3 weeks after I came to Minnesota I came here on exchanges. We met with a couple where the wife is less active and her husband is not a member. I remember all the details of that meeting and so when I came to St. Peter I asked Hermana Hiatt about them. She hadn't heard about them. We found a record saying that they had pretty much told the missionaries they didn't want to meet. We decided to go stop by anyways and they remembered me too and let us come in! We had a really good visit and the husband (who had apparently been the one opposed before) kindly invited us back for tomorrow! I don't know what will happen with them, but it was a cool experience!

We met some other really cool people this week, I'll have to tell you more about them next time.

Hermana's Pierce and Hiatt (Hermana Hiatt from Blanding, UT)

I just wanted to share one other thought about the Plan of Salvation. I have been studying it a lot lately and wow, it is really amazing. One thing that I have come to realize on a deeper level is that right now we are preparing to live with God again. Sometimes we think that things will be so much better when this world is over and we get to live with God. But, we have to learn to love it. If we want to live in the Celestial Kingdom, we have to learn to love celestial things. We can't expect that things will be so much happier, brighter, better etc there unless we are able to learn how to be happy, brighter and better now. Learning this has helped me to enjoy every moment. It is great to look forward to wonderful things ahead, but it is wonderful to have today, right now, with all the blessings or challenges we have.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Hermana Pierce

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