Monday, April 7, 2014

This is the true church!

Buenas tardes familia mia!
This week was full of wonderful experiences, miracles, revelation, and growth! Of course, so is every week, but somehow things just keep getting better and better.
One day this week started out pretty challenging after tons of appointments fell through and no one really wanted to talk to us. At one point we needed to set up an appointment with an investigator so I called her number. She didn't answer, but the name on the voicemail was someone different than who I was trying to call! I looked back in my planner and realized I had called the wrong number. It was someone that Hermana Wiggins and I had met about a month before. I thought, "well, that's embarrassing," but then continued to call the correct number. A few hours later after meeting with and teaching some different people, we looked at the phone and realized that this person had tried to call us back. His name is R. We called back and he asked if we could come over that night. Since our appointment for that time had fallen through, we could. He also has a wife and 4 kids, most of whom are grown up. His wife goes to a christian church, but he doesn't go. He told us that recently he has had a huge desire to go to a church, he just doesn't know which one. Also within the past month he took a trip to LA. On the way back his car had broken down and an LDS couple stopped and helped him. They gave him a ride 15 miles to a hotel and also gave him a Book of Mormon. He was very impressed by their kindness. He told us he feels like something is missing in his life and that he thinks he needs to come closer to God. He had been thinking about which church to join when we called him. :) There is nothing better than being an instrument in the Lord's hands. I thought it was an accident, but it turned into such a sweet miracle!
We also had the opportunity to have some training/interviews with President Clements. Normally he does a questionnaire and has us rate how we are doing in relation to obedience, spirituality, etc. This time he had us prepare 3 questions that we could discuss. They could be about doctrine, missionary skills, or something more personal. It was really great!
O is doing great! Actually, he is doing pretty bad because he fell and hurt is hip and back. But, he is addicted to reading the Book of Mormon. :) He has used it to replace his addiction to playing games on his phone. He usually reads it at night and is so tired but just wants to keep reading one more verse. My testimony has increased so much of the importance of reading daily from the Book of Mormon. There is real power in reading it. Read from the Book of Mormon every day no matter what!!! He watched General Conference from home in bed yesterday since he fell, but we talked about it a little afterwards and he liked it a lot! Especially President Monson.
We watched Saturday in English, but Sunday morning in Spanish at the church. P came also and really liked it. She is the one with the two little girls and is going through a lot. We have been teaching her for a while, but we think this hopefully was able to answer some questions and doubts she has been having. We had a little lunch at the church afterwards with members and investigators and it was really good! Manuel and Diana and all of their family came. Diana is having a girl by the way! :)
I absolutely loved Conference. I don't know if it was because I'm a missionary or because that really was the best thing ever. Probably both, but either way it was awesome! I feel my testimony strengthened that truly this is the Lord's church and that the prophet and apostles are called of God. They have such power and authority. I noticed some themes of faithfully standing strong no matter what the circumstances and also having more charity and being Christlike. It's hard to choose a favorite, I liked all of them!
I love you all and am glad things are going well! Thanks for you emails, prayers, love, and support! :) Hasta el proximo lunes!
♥Hermana Pierce

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